Friday, August 19, 2011

RiRi Gets Sued AGAIN For S M Music Video!

She just can't catch a break with this one, can she?!
Rihanna is once again facing legal trouble for the music video for her single, S&M, just four months after David LaChapelle filed a lawsuit claiming she ripped off his work!
Apparently, 19-year-old Phillipp Paulus has alleged that a sequence in the clip, which featured [...]

Wow! Simply put...we're happy Keith Olbermann is back.

Call him "biased" or a "bleeding heart liberal" if you want to, but Keith's words supporting same-sex marriage have nothing to do with political party affiliation. Instead they are simply LOGICAL and spoken completely out of LOVE for his fellow citizen, whether they be gay, straight, black, white, yellow, green, purple, or blue.

Following President Barack Obama's speech at a Democratic fundraiser in New York, where he spoke about the SINGLE Republican vote which the state's future of same-sex marriage hinges upon, Keith delivered an intelligent, well-spoken and completely rational statement in support of the bill.

"Every year the margin by which this country supports this grows and within a decade or perhaps less it will be universal in this nation. Period. Ironically, it is not because there is great advocacy for it, but simply out of an inability of younger people in this country to do what older ones still can -- to pretend this matters anymore. It just doesn't. It won't destroy the democracy, it doesn't destroy the family, it strengthens the institution of marriage in its principal premise of fidelity, and it increases the number of people living in stable and loving homes."

YES! Thank you Keith for speaking so frankly and honestly! This isn't propaganda people, it's just common civil rights sense!

Watch the excerpt above from Thursday night's Countdown, now airing on Current at 8pm, to see Keith LAY IT DOWN for anyone who can not wrap their head around same-sex marriage.


Georges Braque
Daniel Gasser
James Madison
Edvard Munch
Daniel Gasser

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